What a week we have had at the Shelley house!!!! It is quite a funny story now that it is all over, but I was worried I wouldn't survive it!!! Let me start from the beginning.....last Thursday Jaidon came home from school early because he was not feeling well. On Friday he still had a horrible cough and was extremely tired. On Friday afternoon Grandpa Shelley and Uncle Matt showed up with the most beautiful Bunk beds for the boys. Uncle JD made them and he did a amazing job...I will post a pic when I get the beds made! So we were all excited to hang out and visit with them. On Saturday Jaidon decided that on top of having a cough that he needed to get a flu bug too! Oh what fun! Jaidon got to spend the day bonding with all the men in the house while Miki and I were off to the church to get ready for the ward Christmas party. Although we had a lot to do it was nice to get out of the house and spend some time with just Miki, she was a great help! Sunday comes and Jaidon is still not doing so hot, so once again Miki and I leave the boys to bond and head to church. Miki feeling like she is missing out on the boy bonding and decides that she wants to get the flu bug like Jaidon while our Bishop was here calling Chad to be the Young Men's President! AHHH!:) Monday comes and the Miki and Jaidon are doing better but not 100% so they stay home from school. Tuesday was when the above pictures where taken....not sick today....School was canceled do to the 4+ inches we received that day. Wednesday comes and we are getting them ready for school and Jaidon is not wanting to go, says his tummy hurts. We get him up and are trying to help him get going.....nope he decided that he wasn't quite over the flu. That was fun to clean up!!! So off Miki goes to school and I take care of Jaidon and Chase. Chase decided that he was sick in the middle of the night! Oh the fun! The day only gets better from here....Chad calls me after he is done with surgery to inform me that he now has the bug too!! I was so excited (sarcasm!!!) Well poor Chad comes home and is complaining that his stomach really hurts and he thinks he might need to go to the doctor. This is where I get the "Wife of the Year" award... I tell him that he is just fine and he should just eat some apple sauce and lay down he just has what the kids have had. Needless to say the applesauce did not help and at about 3 he convinced me to take him to urgent care. I was not to thrilled about it. So I load the sick boys in the car and DROP him off so I can be home when Miki gets home. Soon after she gets home Chad calls and says he needs me to come and take him to get a CT scan. What!!! So I leave Miki and Jaidon at home to go take him, Urgent Care doesn't want him to wait so they take him to the CT place! They are afraid his appendix is going to burst....great wife huh! Well we find out that his appendix is fine but the fatty tissue around the upper side of the appendix is inflamed(or something like that) so they give him a shot of pain meds and an antibiotic to take care of it. Well finally on Thursday everyone is feeling better so off to school with Miki and Jaidon, Chad gets to take a day off work but is feeling much better and I get to finally go out to get things ready for the school class parties. After a morning of shopping we check the messages and WHAT??? Miki and Jaidon are coming home early and school is cancelled on Friday!! Love Ice storms!!! It wasn't to bad, but poor Jaidon will be out of school for almost three weeks after Christmas break! What a week! The funny thing is the above story is the Cliff Notes version!! We are all healthy now.....except for me feeling horribly pregnant already! I can only imagine what the weeks ahead have to offer!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Snow Day
What a week we have had at the Shelley house!!!! It is quite a funny story now that it is all over, but I was worried I wouldn't survive it!!! Let me start from the beginning.....last Thursday Jaidon came home from school early because he was not feeling well. On Friday he still had a horrible cough and was extremely tired. On Friday afternoon Grandpa Shelley and Uncle Matt showed up with the most beautiful Bunk beds for the boys. Uncle JD made them and he did a amazing job...I will post a pic when I get the beds made! So we were all excited to hang out and visit with them. On Saturday Jaidon decided that on top of having a cough that he needed to get a flu bug too! Oh what fun! Jaidon got to spend the day bonding with all the men in the house while Miki and I were off to the church to get ready for the ward Christmas party. Although we had a lot to do it was nice to get out of the house and spend some time with just Miki, she was a great help! Sunday comes and Jaidon is still not doing so hot, so once again Miki and I leave the boys to bond and head to church. Miki feeling like she is missing out on the boy bonding and decides that she wants to get the flu bug like Jaidon while our Bishop was here calling Chad to be the Young Men's President! AHHH!:) Monday comes and the Miki and Jaidon are doing better but not 100% so they stay home from school. Tuesday was when the above pictures where taken....not sick today....School was canceled do to the 4+ inches we received that day. Wednesday comes and we are getting them ready for school and Jaidon is not wanting to go, says his tummy hurts. We get him up and are trying to help him get going.....nope he decided that he wasn't quite over the flu. That was fun to clean up!!! So off Miki goes to school and I take care of Jaidon and Chase. Chase decided that he was sick in the middle of the night! Oh the fun! The day only gets better from here....Chad calls me after he is done with surgery to inform me that he now has the bug too!! I was so excited (sarcasm!!!) Well poor Chad comes home and is complaining that his stomach really hurts and he thinks he might need to go to the doctor. This is where I get the "Wife of the Year" award... I tell him that he is just fine and he should just eat some apple sauce and lay down he just has what the kids have had. Needless to say the applesauce did not help and at about 3 he convinced me to take him to urgent care. I was not to thrilled about it. So I load the sick boys in the car and DROP him off so I can be home when Miki gets home. Soon after she gets home Chad calls and says he needs me to come and take him to get a CT scan. What!!! So I leave Miki and Jaidon at home to go take him, Urgent Care doesn't want him to wait so they take him to the CT place! They are afraid his appendix is going to burst....great wife huh! Well we find out that his appendix is fine but the fatty tissue around the upper side of the appendix is inflamed(or something like that) so they give him a shot of pain meds and an antibiotic to take care of it. Well finally on Thursday everyone is feeling better so off to school with Miki and Jaidon, Chad gets to take a day off work but is feeling much better and I get to finally go out to get things ready for the school class parties. After a morning of shopping we check the messages and WHAT??? Miki and Jaidon are coming home early and school is cancelled on Friday!! Love Ice storms!!! It wasn't to bad, but poor Jaidon will be out of school for almost three weeks after Christmas break! What a week! The funny thing is the above story is the Cliff Notes version!! We are all healthy now.....except for me feeling horribly pregnant already! I can only imagine what the weeks ahead have to offer!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Miki!!!
I can't believe my baby girl is 9!!! We had a quite family party after all the normal craziness of our Tuesday nights. Miki had Ballet(which explains the crazy bun hair and jammies) and then we came home and opened presents and had cake. Chad made her happy by making her a "Cow Girl" cake, she is so funny! She is such a sweet girl. It is so fun to watch her grow up. We are so proud of her and she is our sweet heart! I am a little fearful what the next nine years will bring, she has already been told that she not aloud to date or even think about boys :)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas lights
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Poor Doggie!
Monday, November 17, 2008
The picture above is when we told Miki and Jaidon. We wrapped up a girl and a boy outfit with their sonogram picture and had each open one. Miki and Jaidon both looked really confused. Miki said "You don't know do you!!" We had warned that there was a chance that we might not be able to find out that day. We told them that we did know and Jaidon yells out "It's a BOY!" We told him that he was right and Miki looked at us really confused. We asked her why she was confused and she told us it was because she had a girl outfit and then she yelled "your having TWINS!!!!" It was so fun to see how excited they were and still are. I can't believe I will be a mom of 5! Wow, I never thought I would say that! So keep us in your prayers! Heavenly Father sure has more faith in me then I do!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Well we had a very fun and busy Halloween. I had a million things to do for church....I am on the Activities Committee and we had a activity that night. The kids did not have school so we had a fun day of getting ready! Grandma "Jackson" sent a Halloween package that had a Gingerbread Haunted House that we built. The kids did great and had alot of fun decorating it. Chase was a big help....eating the candy before Miki and Jaidon could get it put on the house. The kids had a blast running around at the church playing games and getting candy. After the ward party we were able to do a little trick or treating around the neighborhood. Chase loved that he got candy. He was in charge of telling us which house was next. He would get his treats and then turn and point and say "this one" Miki and Jaidon were great sports and let him be in charge. I don't think that they cared because they were getting candy. I think that I have ate far more then they have....at least I know I have ate more then Miki! My boys love candy, but my Miki doesn't seem to want to much. She says "no thank you" far more then a kid usually does! She is my little health nut already! We were lucky too this year to have beautiful weather. It was in the 70's, which is soooo not normal for this time of year! It made it very nice to be outside.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Proud Mom
Mikinzies' teacher said: Courage comes naturally for Mikinzie. She ALWAYS chooses to do the right thing! She does an outstanding job of coaching her classmates when they need assistance or clarification. Our class is very fortunate to have her! Mikinzie, thank you for sharing your encouraging, patient, and loving personality with us everyday!
Jaidons' teacher said:Jaidon Shelley shows courage in and out of the classroom. Jaidon consistently does the right thing even when others choose not to. He is a good role model for other students in the classroom.
I am so proud of them! Way to go guys!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Free Hand bag!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Exciting News!!!
Well we are excited that we will be adding a fourth member to our family in April. My due date is April 5th and we are hoping that it comes close to that date....not to much before! I know that if I give it a few months I might say something totally different but we have our reasons. Chase is a March Birthday so we would like this one to be in April so they each have their own month. I know, I know we over think things but you should expect that from us :) We got the kids these cute shirts and hid them under their pillows. When they got home from school we told them that they needed to go and take a nap. This upset Jaidon to the point of tears, which wasn't exactly the reaction we were going for. After a little persuasion we got them all in their rooms and they found them. It didn't take Miki long to catch on to what was going on. She got all excited and ran out to check what Jaidon and Chase's shirts said. We then helped the boys figure it out. It was fun to see how excited they were. Jaidon then told me that "You are getting kinda fat mom!" This made me laugh because at this point I was only 8 weeks. It should be fun to hear him in the upcoming months comment on how "fat" I am! I am feeling much better now....I was totally expecting this pregnancy to be like my last 2, I didn't get sick at all! Let's say I wasn't that lucky this time around! Thankfully I felt yucky at night so the kids were already in bed and I could just relax and whine to Chad how it is not supposed to be like this! Even though I was a little sick I know others who are a lot worse, so I just had to look at the bright side. Hopefully I am almost over it, I am feeling better and better every day. Now we just play the waiting game!
In other exciting news.......Chase has potty trained himself!!! Yippee! On Monday he decided that he was going to go potty all day on the potty and that was it. He has been going off and on for a few months but nothing consistent until Monday. All week he has done great with no accidents! I was even brave to venture out with him on all our crazy errands that we have to do. He did realize that it is great during sacrament meeting today....4 times and went every time:) I was a little nervous about potty training another boy, but he did it himself!! I was prepared to have two in diapers yuck!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Happy Birthday!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Back to School!
Chase and I, I can't believe I just have one at home all day, are looking forward to lots of one on one time. He is such a mamas boy I think he will enjoy it, I know I am going too.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Twinkle Toes!!
I am finally getting pictures of Mikinzie's recital on!! We had so much fun and she did a great job. The recital marked the end to the weekly drives back to Lees Summit on Tuesdays. I was and still am sad because that means I don't get to wander around Target for 45 min with my girl friends while Miki goes to class. On a brighter note our gas tank is thanking us!! As tradition Grandma and Grandpa Richardson came out from Utah for the exciting weekend! We had alot of fun with them here! I went into shock after they left because summer school was out, no Grandma and Grandpa to play with, and no pool loaded with friends to entertain Miki and Jaidon. We are hanging in there though! :) The pics of Miki and Chase in the cage were actually lockers just outside her dressing room. We were there waaaaaay to looong!!! It worked great to keep Chase happy!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Boat Fun
Sorry about the multiple post but when I don't post for a month I have alot to share!! This was our first trip out on the boat of the season. Doesn't Chad looked thrilled that I am taking his picture!:) Our trip got cut short because something was going crazy with the fuel pump or something like that. We had fun for the little time we were out and can't wait to get back out there! We now go to a lake that is about a 40 min drive(which is killing me)instead of drive way to lake 15 min. The lake is beautiful and it is huge. I am not as scared driving on it.
Summer School!!!
Summer school is the best! At our new school Miki and Jaidon get to go to school for 24 days and get paid for being there! Jaidon was so excited that he finally got to go to school. He is doing great and loves learning and being entertained by some one other then mom...I am not as fun, apparently cleaning is not something he finds entertaining. That boy has been waiting to go to school for over a year now! They get to do tons and tons of fun activities all day long. It is definatley quieter around the house with just Chase and I, but I think we will adjust.
On Tuesdays since April we have been making the drive back down to Lees Summit so that Mikinzie can finish up dance. On this week we meet up with some friends and played at the park for oh about four hours before dance. The kids sure had fun. I am sure going to miss those park days!!!! FYI there are just three families in the picture!!! Do you think we have enough kids!!!:)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Jaidon is now playing t-ball and loving it! He has had two games now and he can't wait for the next one. His team is the Astros, he wanted to be the Royals but oh well! His games are soooo much fun to watch, kids are so darn funny! He has done a great job playing first base, pitcher, and third base. I have a feeling that we will be spending alot of time at the ball field in the coming years. :)
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Girl Night!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Green Doggie!
Cookie turned green while helping us mow the lawn. Miki and I thought it was sooo funny! He would follow the lawn mower around and the grass was a little wet. We had a good laugh and thank goodness he came clean with a bath!
Here is my favorite part of our new home!! I love having a piano! Chad went to the music store and bought me some books so I could begin learning a little. I have now moved on from only knowing how to play Peter Piper to some other fun songs! I was so excited to have it here that after the piano movers left a few tears came out. I now subject the family to mini recitals to show off the songs that I am learning. Jaidon is having fun learning a little too!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Living in St. Joe
I will add some pictures when I get my camera back! Chad stole and took it with him to Utah for his sisters wedding! Chad, Miki, and Jaidon are having a blast with family while I still try to get this house put together :) I have played a little too!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
This is the new home we found in St. Joseph, MO. It has been a stressful process since we had come to an offer agreement on another house and as we were signing the papers they accepted another offer and we were out of luck. We are happy in the end with finding this home, but the process can be a killer on the nerves. We will hopefully be in by the first week in April since the buyers of our house have no respect for school ending in a a few weeks later. Miki will survive, but it is hard to leave friends right before school gets out.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Chase!
I can't believe Chase is two! We had a fun little family party yesterday and had a lot of fun. Chase was so funny. It was funny anytime anyone would say Happy Birthday he would say "to you." I think one of his favorite things was blowing out the candles! He loved it, I had to light the candles 3 or 4 times so that he could do it over and over. Grandma gave him a shirt that says "Warning I make messes" I think that they made this for my Chase! He is definatly and active little boy. We almost have him saying "2" instead of "3" when you ask him how old he is. He says 2 about half the time now....making progress. I am sure he will be three before we know it. It is amazing how these little people just melt your heart.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
It has finally happened, we sold our house!!! It has been a very crazy and surreal week. Chad is so excited that come April 5th when he drives to work it won't take an hour and fifteen minutes. We are excited that we will now get to spend a lot more time together as a family! We don't know where we are going to live yet, but we should be able to figure that out this week. We have been waiting for this day for a year now and it sure feels good! Thanks to all of you for your many prayers.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
OK today Chase decided to start out the morning by having a little fun! As Jaidon was heading out the door to preschool Chase decided to dump out the entire box of potato flakes. This was really fun and slippery, next it was time to hide in Cookies kennel, maybe I should've let him stay in it, and then on to Miki's room. We have to keep her door closed because he loves to do this, but today her door was open. This all happened before 9:30!!! He keeps me on my toes!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
We have a new member of our family, Cookie. He is so cute! Chad finally gave in and got me a little dog for Valentines Day. We are having so much fun with him. Cookie is a Maltese shitsu mix. Chase starts asking where Cookie is as soon as we pull into the driveway, poor Cookie gets packed around a lot. He is a big baby and loves to be held and cuddled-Chad has been caught loving on Cookie too! We decided to name him cookie because we thought he looks like cookie dough ice cream. We now have Fudge and Cookie's at our house all the time. Fudge didn't know quite what to think of him and for the first few days was actually afraid of him!!! We tried to explain to him that he has about a 100 pounds on Cookie. It is funny to watch a big horse of a dog like Fudge jump and run from Cookie. Fudge is getting a little bit better with him when they are outside. I think Fudges' biggest problem is that Cookie gets to be inside all day and he has to be outside. Cookie doesn't move furniture when he makes a corner like fudge does!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Way to go Jaidon!!
Jaidon started taking karate in January and is loving it! Last week he had his first belt promotion. He is really doing great! Mom and Dad love it to because he has a "Black Belt Attitude" sheet where we get to rank him on his attitude throughout the week. It has worked great, for some reason Jaidon is more afraid of his karate teacher then me!!(Oh well, I will take all the help I can get!) Jaidon is starting to be quite the busy boy. He has karate twice a week, preschool four days, gymnastics on Thursdays, and it's spring soccer time!(Still have not figured out why in February it is time for spring soccer...oh well). Mom is thinking this is a little much, but Jaidon loves it. We will see how he feels once his soccer team actually gets to start practicing; it has been way to cold!