We started the summer by adding Cooper to the family. You ask why in the world would we want/need another dog?! I agree, but he is so cute:) Chad found him online here in town and convinced me to go look at him. Well....long story short Breslynn fell in LOVE, kids promised to help train him, and I am the BIGGEST sucker of them all. He is a great little dog and won't get much over 7lbs.
We have been very busy with baseball. Jaidon had so much fun playing and they did really well. This means we had lots of games. Overall they took 2nd in the city wide tournament. He played a couple of double headers to end up in the championship game which he thought was awsome. Mom had a blast, but was exhausted after chasing two 15 months around. I didn't get a good pic with his team. My camera was acting funny and Breslynn was jumping out of my arms while I tried to take it.
Another exciting thing that has happened around here is Miki auditioned for the dance team at the studio where she dances and she MADE it! She is super excited and can't wait to start. I think she will be spending lots of time at the studio this next year. It is a good thing we LOVE them :)
We have been swimming alot too. There is a great pool about 30min from our house that some of our friends from church go to and they talked me into joining also. It was really tuff since I hate sitting at the pool all day! (LOL) Breslynn and Daxon love it and my friends are so amazing helping me out while we are there. I couldn't do it with out them. It is well worth the drive. These pictures are from our pool in the back yard. I think this is the best purchase we have ever made! It is not deep enough that I worry about them in it, but deep enough for them to have fun. I am thinking that someday we will need to get a inground pool of our own.......
We have made it out on the boat once so far this summer. I think we have a curse on us. We have planned on going a few times and it ends up raining, not supposed to but it does. We can't wait to get out and try our new tube!
Well in the middle of all this we have had the house painted, Chad has gone on a river trip, dance recital, company in town, Chad at youth conference, and all the normal day to day running every where! I love summer time, but think I will be ready for school to start in a month......now to get everyone ready for that!