Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mikinzie turns 10!

Miki turned 10 this week!!! She is such a sweet heart and I don't know what I would do without her. It was a fun day at home for all of us except Daddy (he had to work).  The kids had their second snowday. Miki had mixed emotions about this....kinda happy, but sad she couldn't share her treats.  We were mean and made her wait all day to open her presents. As soon as we got home from piano lessons we finally let her open her gifts.  She was/is way excited to have her scooter. It is a electric one that she can try and keep up with Jaidon in the back yard. I told Chad that we just need a track back there now:) She is so excited to be in the "double digits" and is already counting down the time left before she can drive!!! I am sooo not ready for that! Miki still LOVES to dance and her Friday nights are spent at the dance studio.  She is there from 4:30 till 8:45 pm. When I asked if she liked it or if it was to much she looked at me like I had four eyes :) I guess that means she likes it! She also started piano this fall and is doing great. I am way happy that someone is getting use out of our piano.  I am so proud of her and so greatful for all that she does for me. Miki is so thoughtful and is always helping me out. She has turned into quite the little mommy to the twins and some days she is the reason that I don't go completly crazy.  Thinking back over the past 10 years and I am amazed at how fast time has gone and want the next 10 to sloooow down. Happy Birthday Princess!!!